Wednesday, 25 September 2013

One person's worth more than an eternity...

Si les branches frappent les vitres                             And if the branches tap my pane
Et tremblent encor les peupliers,                               And the poplars whisper nightly,
C'est pour t'avoir dans mon esprit                            It is to make me dream again
Et doucement te rapprocher.                                     I hold you to me tightly.

Si les etoiles aux profondeurs                                    And if the stars shine on the pond
Du lac miroitent dans la nuit,                                     And light its sombre shoal,
C'est pour apaiser ma douleur                                  It is to quench my mind's despond 
Pour rasserener mon esprit.                                      And flood with peace my soul.

Si les nues s'en vont a leur tour                                 And if the clouds their tresses part
Et la lune vibre d'eclat,                                                And does the moon outblaze,
C'est pour que je puisse toujours                              It is but to remind my heart 
Me souvenir ainsi de toi.                                              I long for you always.                             

                                                                                 (Si.../And if... by Mihai Eminescu)

"Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n'y a plus rien a ajouter, mais quand il n'y a plus rien a retrancher."

Just as Antoine de Saint-Exupery  points out in his masterpiece "Terre des hommes": "It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to deduct." 

We'd normally think perfection doesn't exist...or even if 
perfection does indeed exist it's really hard to find. 

I'd say...what if we can find perfection in every single little thing as long as we know how to look at it?

Indeed I do believe that...if not...I mostly believe I can make perfection come out of anything. 

But then again...why is it so hard...when we actually find raw perfection...something that doesn't need to be processed in order to be perfect because it already is?

Well we'd normally think it's hard to find perfection. But no. The hardest part comes only after finding perfection.

Whether it takes the shape of an object or a person or even something non material perfection does indeed exist and sometimes it's all around but people are too blind to see it. 
It doesn't matter in what shape it comes...perfection is still different for every single one of us...what I see as perfect might be outrageous for others but then again it can be reversed too.

Perfection is the one thing that makes you stop and admire it. 

Perfection is that something that makes your eyes teary and your heart beating faster whenever you look at it.

Perfection is every single thing that seems to be making us want to decrease the distance, to take step after step and get closer to it.

Perfection is something you're sure you'll never get bored even if you had it or looked at it for a lifetime.

Perfection is the one and only thing able to make you happy wherever you are and for no matter how long.

But then again perfection seems to be the hardest thing to keep when you finally have it.

Some would say...if it's that hard to hold on to it and you have to struggle all your life to do it really worth it?
Is the idea of perfection worth to them? 

But what happens when perfection itself asks if it's worth it or not? What answer could a mere human being give to their perfection in order to make it trust them and believe it's true that for them it's the only thing that's worth it?

Indeed nothing seems to be fit because no matter how hard we're willing to try it won't believe us no matter what since it already has that impression.

Here's the hardest part. How to still keep it in your life when you want it so bad but it doesn't realize? 
Is there any way that your feelings will reach it? or you'll have to live with it for a lifetime letting it think it's useless?

In the past I would have said finding perfection in something is ridiculous.

For the last year my eyes could only see and dream of it though.

But at the moment I seem unable to answer that question. I want it so bad and I want to hold onto it for a lifetime. But what if I simply don't know what I can do anymore or...I'm simply still unable to do something? ...
What if I don't know what I can do anymore to make it realize it's value?
Will I get tired of trying and give up on it?
Will I not want it in my life anymore because I'm unable to convince it? 
I think even if those times are the hardest I'll probably won't ever forget how much I need it and that it's only perfect in my eyes which gives it worth no matter if it believes or not.

So I'll probably  still fight for it no matter how tired I'll get.
Because just as doesn't have anything else.

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